Friday, October 17, 2014

Cures for Hair Loss Are Nonexistent

Every time you comb your hair, you cannot help but notice the tangled hair strands falling over your shoulders or yanking like crazy in your comb’s teeth. And yeah, it is not a very happy sight to see.

Then you ask yourself, “Is this hair loss?”

Five minutes later, you plugged in the hair blower and start blow drying your hair like you dry your hands in the hand dryer. Then you go out with the girls, talk about the latest trends and tresses in fashion. Later in the afternoon, you end up in a hair salon for some curls and hair color.

The next morning, you comb your hair and ask yourself again, “Is this hair loss?”

No wonder why guys think that girls don’t make sense. Fully aware of the damages hair blowers, dyes, and curlers do to the hair, some of us still continue submitting to such hair exploitation for the very love of fashion.

This is not an anti-fashion campaign or a revenge for those pretty girls in high school. Rather, this is only to remind every girl that there are no cures for hair loss. Cure, at its baldest sense, entails a complete healing and restoration of what was lost.

In the case of hair loss, however, once the hair follicles completely damaged or atrophied, no shampoo, conditioner, or any product can actually impel the scalp to grow new follicles.

Because there are no cures for hair loss, prevention should be of highest regard. We should take care of our hair the same way as how we take good care of our skin and figure. Overprocessing the hair with certain thermal or chemical treatments such as dyes and bleaches can actually stress the hair, making it fragile and weak.

Fashion and hair care should be reconciled with balance. There is nothing wrong with being trendy, as long as it is does not damage our bodies.

Searching cures for hair loss, as of now, is like searching Herodotus’s fountain of youth — a quest left only for the imagination. The real thing is maintaining the hair we are born with, because a healthy hair is the best fashion statement a girl can wear every day.

For more Information on Hair Loss Treatment Please Contact InnovaDerma Australia 
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