Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Natural Hair Loss Treatment For Women - Stop Your Hair From Falling Out Without Using Chemicals
Alopecia is a condition characterized by thinning of an individual's hair that eventually leads to baldness, however there is a natural hair loss treatment for women. Both men and women at any age can suffer from this condition. Although there is no definite solution to this problem, there are various ways you can do in order regain the hair you've lost.
It is important that you treat the problem the moment you notice it. So when you become aware of your hair getting thinner, don't wait until you see patches on your scalp act on it right away because there is a natural hair loss treatment for women.
I'm sure the first thing you would do is buy over the counter hair re-growing products. This is what most of us would do because most of us believe that these are the most effective way of treating alopecia. What we don't know is that we are only adding insult to injury. By using these products, we are exposing ourselves to compounds that can be harmful to our body because there is a natural hair loss treatment for women.
The safest method of addressing hair problems is the natural way. Many would think that this isn't as effective as the medicines; on the contrary they are even more successful in reversing hair problems. Aside from its efficacy, it is also cost-effective so for those who can't afford regular purchase of hair growth medicines, you can always use a natural hair loss treatment for women.
The use of olive oil in your scalp has proven to be very effective in growing your hair. You can just massage the oil on your scalp for about 10 minutes. This way, there will be increase blood circulation plus your hair will be hydrated.
Another herb that can be as effective is green tea. Studies have shown that green tea blocks the production of hormones which cause hair problems. Thus when take in, it will lower the hormone in your body, allowing hair to grow back.
The natural hair loss treatment for women can be the solution you have long been waiting for, and why not give it a try; after all it's easy and affordable.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Hair Loss: Why It Happens And How To Treat It

Hair is one of the things individuals use to make a statement or an image. Varying hair styles enables somebody to switch his or her appearance with minimum effort. Hairdos, hair length, or hair color can do miracles to an individual’s appearance or aura as he or she sees fit.
Regrettably, hair needs to be cared for in order to prevent hair loss. It may seem like hair left on the sink or on combs, but that is just the start of the materialization of hair loss. Individuals should not be alarmed, however, since these are just the starting signs of hair loss. Nevertheless, this should be a sign to start caring for hair better.
The thing is that hair loss is brought about by a number of elements. Mayhap some of the most standard triggers of hair loss are stress brought about by personal struggles or frequent activities. Hormone issues are also the other cause of hair loss. This is when the thyroid gland goes over active or under active. For women, post-pregnancy hair loss 3 months after vaginal birth is often seen. This is due to the change in hormone levels as well.
Other causes of hair loss include infections, medicines such as blood thinners, too much vitamin A, antidepressants, and birth control pills. Infections can also cause loss of hair, especially in children, or sometimes diseases such as lupus or diabetes can also cause it.
Despite whatsoever the cause of the hair loss may be, the person should nevertheless seek the aid of a doctor for possible treatment options. It is best to remember, however, that treatment may vary from one situation or the other. Before taking any treatments on your own, patients should always seek the advice of doctors to be sure.

Hair loss can be treated in more than some method. Doctors may demand patients to look into their lifestyle and see the usual diet, medication, or recent illness that the patient has. This helps the doctor discover and mayhap eradicate the cause of the hair loss. If the situation is hormonal, correcting the hormonal imbalance present in the patient may well be one of the solutions the patient can use.
Whatsoever the case may be, patients need to keep in mind that these situations vary, but there is constantly a way to help treat it.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Hair Loss Treatments By Natural Herbs
Do you have hair problems? Is your hair becoming thinner than it normally was? Is your hair color prematurely gray? Are you unusually bald or gradually losing your hair? Do the other hair loss treatments not work for you? If your answer to any of these questions is a “yes”, then you might want to go with the natural way of treating your bad hair condition. The natural way in this article actually refers to the use of herbs in treating hair loss problems.
Hair Loss Herbs Generally Work By:
1. Blocking The Conversion Of Testosterone Into Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) – The latter is a hormone that is known to weaken the follicles of the hair. When the levels of DHT in the hair scalp are lessened, the abnormal cycle of baldness or hair loss is corrected. Hence, re-growth of new hair is resumed to its normal pattern.
2. Eliminating Clogged Follicles Of The Hair – This elimination is made possible by dissolving solidified scalp sebum or oil, shampoo residues, and the dead skin cells that are major contributors to premature thinning or losing of hair. Scalp oil and dead skin cells make a suitable habitat for bacteria that destroy the scalp and roots of the hair. When the hair follicles are free from clogs, the dormant hair follicles can start reproducing healthy hair.
3. Increasing The Flow Blood To The Hair Scalp And Roots – Sufficient blood flow stimulates, as well as strengthens the roots for the growth of new healthy hair.
4. Stimulating And Nourishing The Follicles Of The Hair – Herbal products saturate the hair follicles with enough nutrition necessary for the promotion of hair growth. They also restore moisture balance on the scalp and hair and further protect the hair from any untoward damages.
Read More : http://usaeu.net/2010/10/hair-loss-treatments-by-natural-herbs/
Other Related Topic : Hair Loss Product | Female Baldness | Laser Therapy
Hair Loss Herbs Generally Work By:
1. Blocking The Conversion Of Testosterone Into Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) – The latter is a hormone that is known to weaken the follicles of the hair. When the levels of DHT in the hair scalp are lessened, the abnormal cycle of baldness or hair loss is corrected. Hence, re-growth of new hair is resumed to its normal pattern.
2. Eliminating Clogged Follicles Of The Hair – This elimination is made possible by dissolving solidified scalp sebum or oil, shampoo residues, and the dead skin cells that are major contributors to premature thinning or losing of hair. Scalp oil and dead skin cells make a suitable habitat for bacteria that destroy the scalp and roots of the hair. When the hair follicles are free from clogs, the dormant hair follicles can start reproducing healthy hair.
3. Increasing The Flow Blood To The Hair Scalp And Roots – Sufficient blood flow stimulates, as well as strengthens the roots for the growth of new healthy hair.
4. Stimulating And Nourishing The Follicles Of The Hair – Herbal products saturate the hair follicles with enough nutrition necessary for the promotion of hair growth. They also restore moisture balance on the scalp and hair and further protect the hair from any untoward damages.
Read More : http://usaeu.net/2010/10/hair-loss-treatments-by-natural-herbs/
Other Related Topic : Hair Loss Product | Female Baldness | Laser Therapy
Friday, July 9, 2010
Understanding Alopecia (Hair Loss)
The most common type of hair loss affecting men and women all over the world even kids couldn’t escape this type of hair loss, Hair Alopecia. Alopecia unlike other causes of hair loss is not due to any underlying illness. A person suffering from alopecia is said to be physically fit but with unhealthy “ego” since balding condition deteriorates self-esteem.
“Alopecia areata” is a type of alopecia, wherein hair loss in some or all areas of the body occurs, usually from the scalp during its first stage. “Alopecia Totalis” was observed in 1%–2% of cases, experiencing hair loss on the entire scalp. With “Alopecia universalis” total loss of all hair on the body was observed.
Another type of Alopecia is “Alopecia Barbae” this type of hair loss was observed on men especially in the beard area. A type of alopecia which results in scaly patches was also observed called “Alopecia Mucinosa.”
The male pattern hair loss or “Androgenic Alopecia” is the thinning of the hair to an almost transparent state. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) a male hormone is said to be the primary cause of Androgenic Alopecia. Since women produce male hormones too but of small amounts only, they are also prone to developing androgenic alopecia. Dihydrotestosterone if accumulated on the scalp, causes the hair follicles to shrink, this is called “miniaturization.” Once the hair follicles have miniaturized eventually the older hair sheds off, growing “peach fuzz” a very thin transparent hair that resembles of a cat’s eye lashes. With this kind of hair growing on a certain area of the scalp would seem a bald spot in its appearance.
To fight Androgenic Alopecia we need to the fight the cause DHT. Here are two of the most popular DHT inhibitors in the market today there’s minoxidil, originally formulated to fight high blood pressure but found out to possess a hair growing side-effect was then used to regrow hair.
“Rogain,” contains 2% – 5% moxidil is said to be an effective over-the-counter topical drug that reduces DHT level in the body. Here are some of the severe side-effects of rogain use; rashes hives or “urticaria” (swollen, pale red bumps), itching, difficulty in breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips and tongue; chest pain, dizziness, fainting, fast heartbeat, redness or irritation of the scalp, sudden, unexplained weight gain, swelling of the hands or feet and unwanted facial hair growth.
Finasteride is also an effective DHT inhibitor was originally formulated as treatments for “prostate enlargement” and “prostate cancer.” It was found to possess hair growing side-effects later on used in “Propecia,” containing 1mg finasteride. Propecia is a prescription drug (not suitable for women) is said to be effective to reduce testosterone level in the body. Propecia or finasteride has side-effects like erectile dysfunction, low libido and impotence.
To avoid all of these side-effects and still fight DHT use LEIMO all natural products, dermatologically formulated and scientifically proven safe and effective. And regrow your hair with LEIMO personal hair laser with its photo-bio-stimulation therapy to revitalize miniaturized hair follicles regrowing a thicker, fuller head of hair.
“Alopecia areata” is a type of alopecia, wherein hair loss in some or all areas of the body occurs, usually from the scalp during its first stage. “Alopecia Totalis” was observed in 1%–2% of cases, experiencing hair loss on the entire scalp. With “Alopecia universalis” total loss of all hair on the body was observed.
Another type of Alopecia is “Alopecia Barbae” this type of hair loss was observed on men especially in the beard area. A type of alopecia which results in scaly patches was also observed called “Alopecia Mucinosa.”
The male pattern hair loss or “Androgenic Alopecia” is the thinning of the hair to an almost transparent state. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) a male hormone is said to be the primary cause of Androgenic Alopecia. Since women produce male hormones too but of small amounts only, they are also prone to developing androgenic alopecia. Dihydrotestosterone if accumulated on the scalp, causes the hair follicles to shrink, this is called “miniaturization.” Once the hair follicles have miniaturized eventually the older hair sheds off, growing “peach fuzz” a very thin transparent hair that resembles of a cat’s eye lashes. With this kind of hair growing on a certain area of the scalp would seem a bald spot in its appearance.
To fight Androgenic Alopecia we need to the fight the cause DHT. Here are two of the most popular DHT inhibitors in the market today there’s minoxidil, originally formulated to fight high blood pressure but found out to possess a hair growing side-effect was then used to regrow hair.
“Rogain,” contains 2% – 5% moxidil is said to be an effective over-the-counter topical drug that reduces DHT level in the body. Here are some of the severe side-effects of rogain use; rashes hives or “urticaria” (swollen, pale red bumps), itching, difficulty in breathing, tightness in the chest, swelling of the mouth, face, lips and tongue; chest pain, dizziness, fainting, fast heartbeat, redness or irritation of the scalp, sudden, unexplained weight gain, swelling of the hands or feet and unwanted facial hair growth.
Finasteride is also an effective DHT inhibitor was originally formulated as treatments for “prostate enlargement” and “prostate cancer.” It was found to possess hair growing side-effects later on used in “Propecia,” containing 1mg finasteride. Propecia is a prescription drug (not suitable for women) is said to be effective to reduce testosterone level in the body. Propecia or finasteride has side-effects like erectile dysfunction, low libido and impotence.
To avoid all of these side-effects and still fight DHT use LEIMO all natural products, dermatologically formulated and scientifically proven safe and effective. And regrow your hair with LEIMO personal hair laser with its photo-bio-stimulation therapy to revitalize miniaturized hair follicles regrowing a thicker, fuller head of hair.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Uncover the True Causes of Women’s Hair Loss
Alopecia or hair loss is regarded as one of the most highly profound devastations by majority of women. It is indeed a fact that alopecia excuses no one. Men’s hair loss exhibits patterns on the head, starting at the temporal areas to the crown; women’s hair loss on the other hand is way diffused. Diffuse in a way, it occurs in indefinite areas all over the head. Women’s hair loss is just as alarming as it is in men. In the United States alone, there are estimated 30 million women who endure from this distressful condition. There are numerous underlying causes of hair loss in women including medications, hormonal imbalances, vitamin deficiencies, inadequate hair care handling, and stresses.
In putting an end to your Hair Loss condition, you must use Leimo. Leimo products are all based on natural ingredients, making saw palmetto extract as its major ingredient which is proven to efficiently combat the root cause of hair loss (DHT). Leimo provides a complete range of regimen that aids, revives, and strengthens the hair plus it comes with a much innovative cordless laser device that stimulates hair regrowth and fits perfectly anywhere and anytime.
In putting an end to your Hair Loss condition, you must use Leimo. Leimo products are all based on natural ingredients, making saw palmetto extract as its major ingredient which is proven to efficiently combat the root cause of hair loss (DHT). Leimo provides a complete range of regimen that aids, revives, and strengthens the hair plus it comes with a much innovative cordless laser device that stimulates hair regrowth and fits perfectly anywhere and anytime.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Leimo Laser Comb : Hair Loss Treatment in UK
Leimo Laser Comb : Hair Loss Treatment in UK (United Kingdom)
In most general cases, diseases often always come with symptoms the time it enters the system. Being a subtle pandemic, spreading like benign cancer, alopecia previously been revealed for its numerous types, in itself manifests only a few warning.

This typically starts with hair thinning and hair fall, in large clumps that is. Beyond the normal adaptation of the body, hair fall of approximately 100 to 150 strands a day, doubles or even triples in cases of acute alopecia or hair loss. Hair transition will evidently exhibit head of hair that is less dense as it had been for the prior years.
In the United Kingdom, most cases of men’s hair loss begin as hair thinning at the temporal and frontal area which is commonly referred to as receding hairline. Hair transition from this state is progressive and can turn to a more attention drawing case in the apparent display of a bald patch at the crown or top-rear of the head. This case, as the Norwood/Hamilton Scale of Hair Loss will be rated as grade III Vertex; the higher the grade, the greater the extent of hair loss or baldness. Should this be left untreated, chance of extensive hair loss will be inevitable.
With the greater extent of hair loss, possibilities of a more overwhelming self-degradation and low self confidence are likely. As emphasized on varying researches, balding is directly correlated with certain psychological issues as low self-esteem ad helplessness; making the situation far worse than is. Besides psychological crisis that are surely to arise. Based on current researches, incidence of myocardial infarction or heart attack has significantly risen, making hair loss sufferers at a higher level of risk.
Meanwhile in women's case in the United Kingdom, hair thinning and balding are usually diffused to indefinite areas of confinement on the scalp and a distinct grading system is available in the name of Ludwig Scale of Hair Loss. Stage I in women's hair loss process is the beginning of all, and at this phase the process is still unnoticeable as it is widely spread out over the head. In more severe cases, balding will be seen as a more evident thinning, and scalp will be seen through especially at the crown area. Women's hair loss is correspondingly as offensive as in men to the sufferers.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Understanding Receding Hairline

Many men might wonder what DHT or dihydrotestosterone is… well, DHT is a derivative or a by-product of the male hormone testosterone with the aid of the enzyme 5-alpha reductase. This whole process is commonly referred to as the conversion of testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. DHT is the major cause of male pattern hair loss and is usually found in tremendous concentrations in genetically vulnerable males by the age of 25 and above. However, women can be equally bothered by this if there are excessive amounts of DHT in the scalp.
DHT attaches itself to the hair follicles and obstructs the hair growth, making the follicles to incapably accumulate essential nutrients for the hair leading to thinning of the hair and eventually, the hair will die and falls out. A single man can surely determine if he is balding when he sees his hairline starts to recede and is easily distinguished with the apparent display of an “M” or a horse-shoe pattern at the front. Receding hairline is a progressive condition and this becomes inevitably broader with each passing day. Receding hairlines are typically classified on the Hamilton-Norwood scale of I-VII.
Leimo is one of the most effective Hair Loss Treatment nowadays. Leimo provides a complete regimen ranging from the bio-cleansing shampoo, thickening conditioner, scalp therapy, scalp serum, and the scalp and body scrub. All of these products complement each other to fully stop the development of hair loss and stimulate hair regrowth at the hairline and on the crown as well. The products can stop the conversion of testosterone into DHT which is the main purpose of the 5-alpha reductase enzymes. Furthermore, Leimo is an all natural treatment that is known for its efficacy to decrease the severity of a receding hairline and even potentially stop and regrow the lost hair. Leimo can be used by both men and women; it is totally safe as the products contain natural ingredients.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Essential Vitamins for Hair Loss

The B vitamins are essential in healthy hair growth most especially Vitamin B-5, the pantothenic acid and Vitamin B-3 or niacin. In some cases, massive consumptions of Hair Loss Vitamin supplements have resulted in stimulating hair growth. Studies show that with men deficient in vitamin B-6 frequently lose their hair.
Here are some facts of what B Vitamins can do to men’s hair:
* Biotin can perhaps prevent hair from graying unnaturally. It is somewhat considered to be an essential vitamin for preventing hair loss.
* Vitamins B-6 and B-12 are considerably helpful in sustaining a healthy hair growth.
* The Vitamin B-5 may stop hair loss and assist and promote hair re-growth.
* Niacin or Vitamin B-3 promotes good blood circulation to the scalp.
* Inositol can help prevent hair loss.
These beneficial B Vitamins can be found in fresh fruits, whole grains, eggs, fish, lean meat, turkey, brewer’s yeast and...
Monday, April 5, 2010
Shampoo Hair Loss

Organic products such as organic shampoos are more accepted and are commonly in use these days by proactive and more cautious people. They opt to choose and use organic than the synthetic ones because organic is very beneficial and unharmful to the body or the hair. Organic shampoos don’t contain harmful and toxic materials that can greatly damage the hair follicles, causing hair to fall.
There is a specific type of Hair Loss Shampoo for a specific problematic hair condition. Companies are now more helpful in treating conditions for the hair. They have formulated shampoos for dry, oily and combination hair that promise and aim to thicken hair for more fullness, cover thinning hair spots with volume boosting capabilities, and or help nourish existing hair in order to keep it healthy and reduce breakage and premature falling out of hair.
Choosing a shampoo that neutralizes and hinders the production of dihydrotestosterone or DHT is a great choice. More and more hair shampoos that are coming out in the wide market service this type help.
Revivogen shampoo contains the active ingredients found in the topical formula and is associated with other revivogen hair loss products to best acquire the optimal result. This shampoo removes sebum from the scalp and DHT from the scalp. This specially-designed shampoo for hair loss contains essential bio-active nutrients that improve the hair and scalp condition, creating a healthy environment for hair growth.
The Leimo Bio Cleansing shampoo is distinctively formulated with the bio growth system that contains mistletoe and fennel ingredients. This unique shampoo gently cleanses the scalp and removes excess sebum and DHT from the scalp and with its bio active nutrients that nourish, moisturise and improve the hair and scalp’s condition thus creating a healthy environment for growing hair.
Nizoral shampoo has the active ingredient, either 1% or 2%. This active ingredient is used to eradicate dandruff, yeast and fungal infections on the human scalp. Dermatologists believe that 2% ketoconazole has the ability to work as an antiandrogen thus reducing DHT present in the scalp and this can also remove excess sebum or dirt deposited from the skin which promotes a healthy Hair Regrowth.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Biotin Hair Loss

Biotin is a primary component of vitamin B which is water-soluble and is easily absorbed in to the body from the food we eat. An individual produces biotin naturally and is certainly used for several different things in the body such as strengthening the bones, muscles and tissues. Biotin is basically needed in the body and is harmonized by the useful bacteria.In most cases, the assimilation of biotin in the body is disrupted if the food being taken is rich in protein. Food containing abundant in protein can affect the absorption because protein rapidly binds with biotin and is not available for the body needs. If this occurs, biotin deficiency will...
Read more about BIOTIN HAIR LOSS
Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Female hair loss is caused by different conditions. In other circumstances, females endure hair loss because of hormonal disorders, inconsistent and fad diets, stress, while others have to do with illnesses.
Hormonal disorders or changes are the most common cause why women endure hair loss (alopecia), this is when they experience an alteration in their estrogen levels. The changes may vary from one person to another. Estrogen level changes can involve pregnancy, inconsistent consumption of birth control pills, and taking or stopping hormone replacement therapies.
Estrogen and DHT will most likely be affected because of these changes, which affect the hair growth process....
Read more about FEMALE HAIR LOSS!
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