Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Stop DHT-induced Hair Loss with the Leimo Products

Australia, Oct. 25, 2012 — Leimo International announces the launch of the 30–day free hair loss treatment trial, a promotional deal that offers free use of the Leimo Personal Hair Laser Starter Kit for a one-month period.
The Leimo Personal Hair Laser Starter Kit is made up of five (5) organic wet products and a single (1) hair laser therapy device.
The topical solutions that comprise the Leimo wet products are: the Leimo Bio-Cleansing Shampoo, Leimo Thickening Conditioner, Leimo Scalp and Body Scrub, Leimo Scalp Therapy Day Treatment and the Leimo Scalp Serum Night Treatment. This organic-based suite of hair loss treatment contains herbal essences of saw palmetto, nettle, camellia, rosemary, and grape seed extracts; all of which are natural DHT blockers that aid in preventing the further onset of hair loss as well as the future recurrence of this condition.
The hair laser therapy device in the form of the Leimo Personal Hair Laser renders phototherapy technology—low-level laser therapy (LLLT) and light-emitting diode therapy (LEDT) — to stimulate the follicles’ mitochondria, reactivating weakened and dormant hair follicles.
Both the laser comb and the organic-base wet work hand in hand to create a hair regrowth system that helps prevent the onset of mild to moderate androgenic alopecia or female and male pattern baldness.
What is androgenic alopecia?
Androgenic alopecia, commonly referred to as pattern baldness, is the most common type of hair loss in both men and women.
Studies revealed that approximately 95% of hair loss cases are due to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) hormone, a by-product of the combination of the male hormone testosterone and the enzyme 5-alpha reductase.  The overproduction of DHT in the scalp can clog up the hair follicles, causing the weakening of the hair roots and the deterioration of the hair bulb; hence, producing thinner, smaller and finer hair strands that later on results to a receding hairline or a balding condition.
In most cases, when DHT attaches itself to the receptor sites of the follicle, it hinders the proper flow of blood and nutrients from reaching the hair roots. The lack of oxygenated blood and nourishment may trigger the hair follicles’ to miniaturize, ultimately leading to its dormancy or, worse, death.
That being the case, to counteract the effects of DHT, hair loss victims can make use of DHT blockers. One of the best DHT blockers in the market, which combines organic hair loss treatment and laser therapy for hair regrowth, is the Leimo Personal Hair Laser Starter Kit.
This suite of hair loss treatment is specifically designed to counteract the damaging effects of DHT on the hair follicles, promoting a nutrition-optimal environment for the growth of fuller, thicker, stronger, and healthier hair strands.
The Leimo Personal Hair Laser Starter Kit Promotional Deal
Right at this moment, Leimo International-Australia is offering a 30-day free hair loss treatment with the Leimo Personal Hair Laser Starter Kit. This special promotional deal entitles all residents of Australia with a chance to try the Leimo Personal Hair Laser Starter Kit free of charge for a period of 30 days.

Leimo International-Australia
Official Website:
Email Address:
Hotline Number: 1800-280-250

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Avocado as Your Hair Care Product

Let's role must go on and the life of your natural hair is in your hand. Take care of your hair with avocado and don't let it look dull due of incorrect caring.

It's your responsibility for having good looking hair since your appearances is based upon your healthy hair. You probably need good natural hair care products.

But, what does it mean when people said about natural hair care products? Well, hair care products that are advertised "natural" may probably mean free from chemical

substance or it may also environmentally friendly products with plant and herbal additives as their substances.

How do you choose natural hair care products? Hmmm....when you purchase hair care products please read the labels and make your own decisions on what level of "natural"

ingredients you wish to accept in the hair care products that you use on your hair. This is the most responsible way to select the best products for you.

But there is other way; besides using natural hair care products, you can do some favor for your hair to make it more wonderful here using real natural fruit. This is the

hair conditioning treatment using avocado. Check this out:

- Mash one avocado which is recommended for its hydrating benefits and proteins and mix with one-tablespoon lemon juice, one teaspoon of sea salt, and one tablespoon of

pure aloe until it becomes a paste.

- Comb through hair with your fingertips.

- Cover hair with a plastic shower cap or bag, and wrap a towel around it to seal in the treatment.

- Leave in for 20-30 minutes and enjoy a great book, CD or even better - just savor the peace and quiet!

- Unwrap you newly conditioned hair. Rinse, shampoo and rinse again for soft, luxurious hair!

Of course there are other fruits you can use for your hair natural treatment. But the step you do is the same like have been described above. You will have good looking

hair by the time you check the Internet for more natural hair care products.

Why you need to look for your other natural hair care products at the Internet? Based on some people experiences, Internet is the best place to search for your hair care

product. Although you already use fruit such as avocado above, your hair still need more nourishment from hair care products that is available in the Internet.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Correctly Hair Care for You

Love your hair like you going to lose it. Hair is delicate, growing stuff which need to be handled with care. A lot of care will make your hair healthy, shiny and also

beautiful. Beautiful hair is an asset for any woman. Some are gifted with naturally beautiful hair while others have to really work hard on it. But essentially everybody

has to work on hair either for improving or for maintaining them.

Hair has been called as "crowning glory." That's because hair is covering our head like a crown which can influence our appearance. Sure, your appearance will be good if

you can make your "crowning glory" looks good, shinny and healthy. That's why you need to do your hair care diligently. Don't wait until you have damage hair to make your


Tips for Your Hair Care

To help you taking care of your hair, here are a few hair care tips which might help you:

- Understand your hair type. Being understand your type of hair, such as, oily, dry, natural, curly, straight, kinky or what ever, you can correctly treat your hair with

product that is useful to your type of hair..

- Pick shampoo that give benefit to your type of hair. Apply shampoo from root to tip - gently work down the hair. Don't pile up hair while lathering! Rinse thoroughly

under running water.

- Choose conditioner that works with your shampoo Always condition after shampooing. Apply conditioner from tip to root. Comb your hair while condition through hair to

ensure distribution and penetration. Use as much conditioner as your hair can absorb.

- Dry your hair gently. Do not rub your hair especially if it is very long. Take time to dry it slowly with a gently patting or wringing action. Don't overdrying your hair.

Start to Care Your Hair

Okay, those tips surely will give you awareness how to treat your hair basically.

Followed here are tips for you who feel that looking after your hair is important to its health. Healthy hair looks better and holds the style you want. These tips include

the following:

- When you put your hair in a braid or ponytail don't use any plain rubber band, always use a specially treated band like bungee or similar. This will prevent hair breakage

and hair loss.

- Don't sleep with your ponytail or in tight braid. You will breakage your hair and it turn into hair loss.

- If you plan on trying out a new hairstyle such as a braid, updo or twist, for a special event then practice the new braiding style several times before the big event

arrives. This will guarantee great results.

Now, another tip is finding the right place for your hair care products. Although all hair care products available almost everywhere, but the best place to find for your

hair care products is in Internet. It so convenience shopping online since you will check all the products, compare each product, order so easily and you can return after

purchase if you feel not confidence with the products.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

air Care Myths - The Truth and the Lies

We all have a favourite myth about hair care - some of them are as old as the hills! In this second in a series of 3 articles, we examine some of the most widely known myths - and seek out the reality...

1. Dry hair is damaged by too-frequent washing

FALSE: Hair is more likely to be damaged if it's left too long between washes. Not washing can cause the scalp's natural oil to be blocked, and unable to lubricate the hair shaft. As a result, hair can become dry and brittle. Things that will cause damage include bleaching, coloring, styling and brushing when wet.

2. To stop the frizzies, use shampoo only twice a month. The rest of the time, rinse daily with conditioner

FALSE: Oil becomes rancid when it stays on the surface of the scalp, so regular shampooing is required to keep hair and scalp clean and healthy. Avoid frizzies by conditioning after every shampoo and try a leave-in conditioner, too.

3. A rinse out conditioner does not provide benefits because it is rinsed out

FALSE: Rinse out conditioners applied after washing will leave a deposit of moisturizing proteins and other ingredients on the hair shaft giving hair that is softer, shinier and better conditioned.

4. Blow-drying hair can cause it to smoke

FALSE: This strange myth has circulated in different variations for many years. On the rare occasion that hair "smokes" it is due to the evaporation of condensation on the hair from styling gels or similar products.

5. Brushing thinning hair makes it fall out faster

FALSE: Although, brushing can cause damage (see above), as long as you use a good brush, normal daily brushing will not accelerate the normal loss of hair from the scalp. If your hair is suffering from a hair loss condition like alopecia brushing will only cause you to lose hair that is already ready to fall. Excessive brushing is always discouraged under any circumstances.

6. Shaving a baby's scalp will alter their natural hair texture

FALSE: The hair that a baby is born with may or may not be the hair that they grow up with. Shaving a baby's head will not alter the texture of their ultimate hair nor will it cause it to grow faster or thicker.

7. Gray hair can only be covered with permanent color

FALSE: Depending on the percentage of gray that you have, you may be able to blend or cover the budding gray with a semi-permanent or demi-permanent blend that does not contain harsh chemicals.

8. Excessive use of hair products causes hair loss

FALSE: There are no known, (professionally produced) hair care products that cause hair loss. You may sculpt your locks with as much gel, mousse or spray as you desire. However, be careful of home-made remedies, or any product that you don't know the contents of.

9. Hair care products advertised as natural are chemical-free

FALSE: Not all hair care products sold in health food establishments, etc are completely natural; some may contain chemicals like SLS. When in doubt read the label.

10. Eating Jell-O will make your hair grow faster

FALSE: According to dermatologists, there is no evidence that Jell-O will do anything for hair growth. Syncronized swimmers use Gelatin on their hair to protect against chlorine damage), but there's no evidence that it will stimulate growth.

11. Stress causes your hair to thin

FALSE: Everyday stress won't cause this problem - it problem may be hormonal or nutritional in nature.

12. Steroids have no side effects on hair

FALSE: Bodybuilders beware! Anabolic steroids are very potent chemicals that have some treacherous side effects including acceleration of hair loss. The problem is that these side effects are usually delayed by several years.

13. Standing on your head cures hair loss

FALSE: Hair follicles need more than blood flow to grow hair. Standing on your head to increase blood flow to your scalp, may be great for your gymnastic skills, but will have no effect on your hair.

14. Split ends will travel

TRUE: Uncut split ends can travel up the shaft towards the roots. Hair that is not tended to, over time, may develop splits that migrate and split all or part of the entire hair. Some ends can actually tear multiple times so that your split ends have splits.

15. Hair will always remain the same texture

FALSE: Although you may be born with straight, curly or wavy locks, there are many circumstances under which your hair's ultimate texture can be permanently altered. Pregnancy, medication, chemotherapy, age and other variables can cause your texture to be temporarily or permanently altered.


Heard another myth about hair? Do your research - ask an expert! This doesn't include your grandmother, best friend or local barmaid. Instead, talk to an experienced hairdresser or a trichologist. Always get the real facts before you act on any hair myths - you owe it to your hair.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Benefits of Using Natural Hair Care Products

Anybody who wants to keep their hair care simple must also take into account the benefits of using natural hair care products. Each and every person desires to know how to get healthy hair which means having a shiny and beautiful hair, although, not everybody is aware of the best means to have gorgeous locks. A lot of people are persistently inundated with hair care tips, magazine ads and television commercials promoting for the latest advancements in the area of hair care technology. The number of different alternatives for "natural hair products" can really be overwhelming.

Formulating Natural Hair Care Products

These so called natural hair products depend on plant-derived components that have been effectively and widely utilized for hair treatment over a million of years. Egg, olive oil, honey and avocado are some of the most famous ingredients, all of which can help in making the hair wonderfully shiny and soft. A number of different essential oils are usually utilized in order to make the hair smell good and they may also assist in addressing the issue of dandruff.

A lot of natural hair products smell good since they include fruit and flower components. For the obvious reason, many extremely processed, products that are based in chemicals have nice odors as well although this is typically an outcome of synthetic perfumes that usually do not smell pretty much like the real thing.

A lot of people can have allergic reactions to just about anything, such as natural plants and chemicals, thus, some people may have untoward reactions to natural hair products whether or not they are organic or chemically synthesized. The best hair products that are made from natural ingredients, however, tend to have considerably lesser components, and these compounds are somehow familiar with each other. As an outcome, an individual who tends to react negatively towards avocado may easily stay away from natural hair care products that are made with avocado. In contrast, people may not be able to figure out that they are allergic to some new chemical substance or even if they aware of their untoward reaction, they may be unaware of having to use a particular product that comprises a variation of that substance or even the very same substance that is differently labeled.

Real-Life Effectiveness Of Natural Hair Care Products

The use of natural hair care products alone can promote healthy growth of the hair. Hair roots are actually alive and just as like any other organs found in our body, they require nourishment in order to sustain their normal functioning. Natural hair products that are utilized to promote total health of the hair are virtually free of any side effects and are tested through times that have been handed down by generations. These products are easy to lay hands on and are very easy to incorporate in your everyday beauty routine. When utilized in a regular basis, these products will make your hair shinier, soft and well hydrated.

Natural Hair Care Products Are Advanced Hair Gear's Expertise

Advanced Hair Gear specializes in formulating natural hair care products, leading the industry of professional beauty which formulates sulfate and salt free shampoos. The latest formulas of this popular hair treatment brand are free of color-stripping salts and sulfates that would ensure longer lasting hair color that stays radiant and vibrant as the very day the products were applied. Advanced hair Gear boasts on its use of organic nano-technology that is capable of penetrating deep down the medulla core of even the most resistant type of hair without involving the use of any type of damaging chemical ingredients.

Regardless if you choose to prepare them or just purchase the best hair products in the market, an excellent way to safely treat and nourish your locks will always be natural hair care products.

What if you just can't get your hair health back?

I know how hard it can be to find a special and efficient natural hair care products, but if you want to really make your hair sing for you again you'll need to learn a single method that works amazingly well.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What Are The Best Hair Care Products

The best hair care products out on the market are a result of innovative research on how to get healthy hair, also in the area of scalp care. While it may be true that one's coif is a person's crowning glory, the hair and the scalp require attentive care, whether a person has short or lengthy hair; dark or light colored hair; or anywhere in between. The lack or absence of proper hair care may lead to dry, rough, frizzy, tangled or brittle hair. The good news is, the best hair care products are out there, they do exist-such as protective shampoos, intensive conditioners and natural styling products-that can help enrich the hair strands with ample moisture and nutrients to keep a person's head looking its finest all day long.

How To Make Use Of The Best Hair Care Products

Like any other consumer product, correct usage and dosage is critical in maximizing product performance and benefits especially with the best hair care products. For example, hair straighteners, chemical relaxers or relaxing creams, are at-home products that produce varying results-some of which may be best applied only sparingly. Although they are generally effective in straightening all hair types for people of all skin colors, their difference may boil down to the desired results. Temporary straighteners-containing ingredients that help moisturize hair such as plant extracts, glycerin or coconut oil-may help smoothen out unruly hair and make it more manageable. Permanent straighteners that completely straighten hair should always be administered by a professional.

Ingredients To Look For On The Best Hair Care Products

Polymers and silicones in the best hair products, as well as a mineral emollient, help smoothen and straighten a tangled mess of it before blow drying. The best conditioner, in this case, are not made equal. A light conditioner, for example, can help manage normal to oily hair and tame static. Rich and deep conditioners, on the other hand, energize dry, dull or damaged; overuse, however, can lead to limp, lifeless or oily hair. Deep conditioners are best applied from midshaft to its ends. For people with very fine hair, using very little of a deep conditioner may lead to smoother and shinier locks.

The Best Hair Care Products By Advanced Hair Gear

Particularly suited for people suffering from thinning, one of the best care products is the rejuvenator cleansing shampoo made by Advanced Hair Gear helps eliminate hair loss, prevents the build-up of dihydroxytestosterone or DHT and promotes healthy growth. The shampoo for thinning hair works by gently cleansing the scalp, eliminating sebum and excessive DHT from the roots. The result is moisturized, nourished hair and scalp-the best condition conducive to further growth. In addition, the rejuvenator shampoo increases volume through potent anti-oxidants that cleanse toxins from it.

The rejuvenator thickening conditioner is also on the list of the best products for treating fine or thinning hair. This weightless conditioner adds body to it and enhances shine. Specifically catering to hair thinning, the rejuvenator conditioner nourishes, moisturizes and fortifies the shaft. The rejuvenator conditioner is formulated with 100% organic ingredients for optimal results and benefits.

Qualified as best hair care products available on the market, creams, gels and sprays from the Advanced Hair Gear system are designed to flatter every type while promoting optimal hair and scalp health. Hair wax, gels and creams add shape and texture to hair, and are perfect hair products for curly hair and styling fine or naturally-straight hair. Who knew protecting and promoting hair health can also be fun? There are many ways to style or groom a healthy hair and the best way to achieve magnificent results is through the use of styling products that are safe for it yet effective in doing the job. Cosmetic benefits are also a must regards the best products.

What if you just can't get your hair health back?

I know how hard it can be to find special and efficient hair care products, but if you want to really make your hair sing for you again you'll need to learn a single method that works amazingly well.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

What You Need To Know About Beauty Salon Equipment

Beauty salon equipment is the broad term for the equipment that salons use. The type of equipment required by salons depends on which services they offer. New salon owners

or even veteran owners who prefer simplicity would benefit from buying basic used equipment. Most salons feature tanning, hair cutting and styling, manicures, pedicures and

due to popular demand, day spa services. These services can be done in one salon but are usually done separately in hair salons, nail salons and tanning salons. The price

of new equipment can easily range in the thousands, while used equipment are more cost-friendly. Most equipment can be found in reasonable prices through e-commerce

websites and online catalogs. When buying used equipment, the buyer should check if the product is working properly and that there are no broken parts.

Hair Salon Equipment and Supplies

Basic hair salon equipment consists of shampoo chairs, washbasins, trolley carts, styling chairs, hair dryers and mirrors. They can be found in many diverse styles with a

lot of features but most salons prefer to get equipment that is simple and functional. Used hair salon equipment that is in good condition would be a good buy for new salon

owners. Hair salons will also need supplies such as shampoo, conditioners, and other hair care products. It is advisable that hair salons only buy new shampoo, conditioners

and anything else that is applied to the client's hair or skin.

Nail Salon Equipment and Supplies

Nail salon equipment include manicure tables, nail dryers, padded chairs for pedicures, and a stool to enable the technician to sit comfortable while working on a clients

nails. Some manicure tables have storage areas and polish racks to store nail polish, nail varnish, cuticle softeners, nail buffers and other nail care products. Many

salons who offer nail services would benefit from buying used equipment that is in good condition. However, it is advisable that they buy new nail polishes, solutions and

anything else that is applicable to the client's nails or skin.

Tanning Salon Equipment and Supplies

Tanning salons are among the most popular of salon services. Tanning salon equipment typically consists of stand-up tanning booths and tanning beds. The booth allows for

the client to stand up while tanning. They are surrounded by Plexiglas that has tanning bulbs behind them. Tanning booths are usually made of steel, wood or plastic and are

usually designed to fit all body shapes and sizes. Tanning beds enable the client to lie down while receiving their tan. They are usually made with steel frames and use

100-160 watt tanning bulbs. The part that they lie down on is made of Plexiglas and the tanning bed will have a pull down tanning cover which is also made of Plexiglas to

ensure even tanning. All equipment for tanning salons come with timing mechanisms so that the equipment will turn off after a predetermined amount of time. There is also a

built-in safety cut-off mechanism to enable the client to turn off the equipment in case of emergency or if there is a malfunction.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Unique Hair Technique

Internal reconstruction is absolutely essential for an excellent haircut. A haircut is unique not by its outside shape but by its internal reconstruction! Because we are

all different races and are born with different textures and volume of hair. We are living in an extremely fast paced world and yet haircuts still reflect ancient

interpretations of style. Why are we living in a 21st century with 20th century hair cutting techniques? Stylists across the globe should now be taught a technique that

allows confidence and thinking of out of the box cutting for creativity, that can be used on all ethnic races. Why do haircuts still seem to reflect orderliness, symmetry,

conformity and acceptance when on a daily basis millions of people are starting blogs telling the world how different they are? A haircut should reflect individuality and a

hairstylist should have that skill to produce that. A technique should now be taught to allow re-thinking to put the power back in the hands of the stylist.

Often when a particular step is forgotten or not carried through in a general style, one feels lacking in confidence or feeling inadequate. Imagine if you can have a

technique which allows you to put that all behind you and you can happily sculpt through merrily away and knowing you can work through every square cm, every nook and

corner of hair allowing full control and creativity. Without learning strict procedural cutting. The final result is a customized outcome for the client - extreme texture

or subdued texture, all beginning from within. In the last 4 decades western techniques have been touted as the iconic method to be learned and to spread to the rest of the

world. These techniques suit only caucasian hair and that period of time. It relies on maintaining a smoothness of the external shape and balance as the end result.

The bob should be updated. How? Well why not allow a contrasting undercut. An undercut need not be shaven but cleverly layered and textured allowing the top weight to fall

over subtly with a nice emphasis on heavy movement. Why not asymmetry? It can be done. Why should everyone in the world have bacon and eggs for breakfast. Everything is set

for change now and its coming from the East. An evolutionary new method has started on how the scissors is being held in the hands. It is wield like a sculpting tool so it

can twist, prod, slide and drag allowing completely free movement and full confidence. The stylist can use the same foundation he/she has been trained in and only need to

learn adaptation. The movement has begun.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Common Spa And Salon Treatments

With so many things demanding our time, whether work, school, family, children, or social obligations, it's easy to feel worn out at the end of the day. Or the problem may

start before you even begin your day. If you're feeling worn out before you even start, perhaps it's time to step away from the rigors of daily life and treat yourself to a

day of rest and relaxation. Our bodies need rest and relaxation in order to recuperate, heal, and renew. A great way to give your body a chance to renew is spending the day at a day spa. Day spas specialize in cleansing, treating, and healing the body.

Day spas specialize in several treatments that focus on renewing your body's energy. Most day spas feature massage of all types, including Swedish, deep tissue, and more.

Manicures and pedicures are common as well as sauna treatments and hot wraps. Another common spa treatment is a facial. There are several different types of facials, each

with a different purpose. Talk to the experts at your favorite local day spa to see what types of facials they offer. Traditional facials are designed to cleanse, steam,

and massage the pores and skin of the face. There may also be special types of facials like hypoallergenic or alpha hydroxy acid. If you have problems with acne you can

choose a facial designed to treat and clean the problems associated with acne. This type of facial may be applied in a series of treatments. Whatever your need, there is a

facial available to help you feel relaxed and whole.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Hair Straightening Services

Are you tired of spending hours with a flat iron just get your hair straight? Well, if you are then hair-straightening service is something that you need to know about.

There are many reasons why using a chemical straightening service is superior to using an iron. Listen up and I'll tell you everything you need to know about getting your

hair curl and frizz free!

Specialized hair straightening services use special chemicals and processes to ensure that your hair stays straight for extended periods of time! That means no hot irons to

deal with when you are getting ready. Imagine your hair straight and clean without all that extra hassle.

The chemicals that are applied to your treatment break up the hydrogen bonds in your hair that make curls. It then gets curly when it is wet because of these bonds and

having them broken and then capped (which is what happens during the chemical treatment) ensures that your hair will stay straight until your original hair grows back in.

Hair straightening service is very popular and it is a great option for you if you want to have a little more freedom in your style AND in your time management. Not only

will you be saving hours everyday, but your hair will be flawlessly straight giving you the option for more styles. Another option is to leave a little bit of the curl in

your strands so that you can have that flexibility to shift between curly and straight.

Hair straightening services can make your social and business life better and more manageable. Give yourself the gift you want and the lost hours you need.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Safe and Effective Hair Straightening

Everyone wants straight hair. The past couple of years have been very exciting in the Hair industry. The arrival of the Brazilian Keratin Hair Straightening treatment has

opened to doors to some innovative hair products. While the Brazilian Keratin Treatment was nothing short of amazing, there have been some major health risks released about

extremely high levels of formaldehyde. Since the health risk release we have seen several alterative Brazilian Keratin Treatments. Most of them claiming to be free of

Formaldehyde. Turns out that the majority of them have Formalin in them and when heated to 450 degrees (as you have to when performing a BKT) the Formalin turns into a

formaldehyde gas. So let's talk about what is out there that is truly safe.

The first product is called Pravana Perfection. Pravana Perfection At Last. Breathe Easy. Your hair will be instantly transformed and smoothed to perfection. The Superb

Shine will last for months! The Perfection SmoothOut? employs the most advanced technology to expertly restore hair to an incredibly healthy and gorgeous state beyond

expectations. Perfections proprietary Nano-Amino Complex? miraculously suspends the internal texture memory of the hair to safely transform it to a new, soft and sensual

look and feel. The Perfection SmoothOut? Solution has a low PH formula and contains no harsh chemicals, which makes it safe to use on all clients. This advanced formula

poses no health risk actually improves the integrity of the hair. Why Stop at Great When You Can Have Perfection? This is a great product it works very well as a deep

conditioner and will straighten your hair.

While meeting with my product rep this week I learned about a new straightening product from RedKen. This product gives you three choices. You can re-texture straight hair

to have curls, you can straighten your hair perfectly stick straight, or you can tone down your curls/frizz without eliminating your curls and body. While the Pravana

Perfection does not use chemicals the NEW REDKEN product does. However the technology in this product is amazing. Anyone who knows anything about perms or relaxers will

tell you how harsh the chemicals are on their hair. The reason why perms and relaxers can often leave your hair feeling dry, unmanageable and damaged beyond words is

because during the processing of the products the chemicals BREAK APART the bonds in your hair. The new products from RedKen use the advanced technology of STRETCHING the

bonds. This new process does not break your bonds but rather stretched them just enough for the product to get in and penetrate the cuticle without damaging your hair. This

is the most advanced hair straightening product on the market.

Wasting Time Blow Drying Your Hair Try The Brazilian Blow Dry

Most of us can only dream of achieving the sleek and bouncy hair that we see celebrities on the red carpet sporting. This is down the fact that most of us just don't have

the time or the tools to produce such glossy locks. We all want great looking, styled hair, so what is the answer for us normal people who don't have a team of stylists

working on our look or the money to spend on all the latest miracle products?

The answer is the Brazilian Blow Dry. If you've never heard of this wonder treatment, then listen up! The Brazilian Blow Dry not only leaves your hair looking amazingly

sleek and beautiful without you having to barely lift a finger, but it also dramatically improves the condition of dry, damaged and frizzy hair. This treatment is perfect

for those wanting to look fabulous with minimum effort. If you are on a tight schedule but still want to make a great first impression at work then the Brazilian Blow Dry

will let you do so without having to spend your morning slaving away with heated appliances!

If you are the sort of girl who hates rain, refuses to get her wet when swimming and dreads going abroad to a humid country for fear of frizz then the Brazilian Blow Dry

could literally be a lifesaver for you and your barnet. After you have had the treatment not even humidity or rain will be able to put a downer on your silky smooth locks

and you will emerge from the rainstorm frizz free and still fabulous, if not a little damp!

If this all sounds great to you, then you're probably wondering how this miracle treatment works! Well, the Brazilian Blow Dry otherwise known as the Permanent Blow Dry

basically works by coating the cuticles with a keratin-rich solution of essential vitamins, proteins and nutrients which leaves the hair moisturised and sleek. The solution

is sealed into the hair shaft by using a hot iron. This means that the solution is fully absorbed into the hair so that the vitamin-packed solution can get to work

repairing any damaged areas and preventing further damage by forming a protective coating.

The process will take anywhere from 1 ½ to 3 hours depending on the thickness and length of the clients hair and you can expect the results to last up to 4 months. It is

important to remember that you will not be able to wash or get your hair wet for up to 72 hours after the treatment. This allows the solution to properly sink into the hair

and for the hair to soak up all the goodness it needs to look amazing everyday. You also must avoid tying your hair up, using hair bands or clips or even tucking it behind

your ears as this could cause a permanent kink in your finished sleek style. You want your hair to be as smooth as possible once you are allowed to wash it so it really is

worth it to stick to these aftercare guidelines.

As mentioned, the results will last for up to 4 months and will fade progressively as the hair is washed. During these 4 months you can enjoy beautifully smooth, straight

locks all without having to lift a finger when it comes to styling. No more hours of harsh blow drying and tugging and your curls to try and flatten them or inflicting

hours of hot straightening on your already frazzled locks. After the Brazilian Blow Dry all you will have to do is towel dry your hair, (maybe run your straighteners over

your hair if it was extremely curly to start off with) and head out the door ready to face the world with your beautiful new do!